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Image Reference Data Model

Author: George Bruseker, Denitsa Nenova

Version: 1.0

The Image model is meant to support the semantic representation of photographic and other visual media data. Visual media have the particular characteristic of seriality. The generation of an image is the creation of an intellectual content which thereafter can have multiple manifestations across different potential carriers both analogue and digital. As such the documentation of visual media requires semantic modelling which supports the documentation of both the individual carriers (photographic prints, photographic negatives, slides, catalogued photo material, born digital images etc.) and the image itself as the consistent object carried in various ways across these different media. The image model is meant to support the documentation of the latter. Similar to the concept of ‘work’ in FRBR and FRBRoo, the image is primary intellectual object created and then manifested in different media over time. The image model enables the representation of this intellectual content as such and linking it, in turn, to its potential carriers: physical information carriers and digital resources.

Names and Classifications

The attribution of names and types to an image, as with other entities, is a basic human activity. A chief factor in disambiguating images lies in understanding the various names and identifiers that have been given to them at different moments in their individual histories. Likewise, additional classifiers of the image, such as how it has been formally classified, give important distinguishing characteristics.

identifier Name Description CRM Path used by
image_1_identifier Identifier This field is used to record an identifier attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E42[1_1] → P190 → rdfs:Literal Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_2_identifier_type Identifier Type This field is used to record the type of the identifier attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E42[1_1] → P2 → E55[2_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_3_identifier_provider Identifier Provider This field is used to record the institution, group or individual responsible for providing the documented image's identifier. → P1 → E42[1_1] → P37i → E15[3_1] → P14 → E39[3_2] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_4_identifier_source Identifier Source This field is used to record the source based on which the identifier was attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E42[1_1] → P37i → E15[3_1] → P16 → E73[4_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_5_name Name This field is used to record the main name attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E33_E41[5_1] → P190 → rdfs:Literal

→ P1 → E33_E41[5_1] → P2 → E55[5_2]{'preferred terms'}
Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_6_name_language Name Language This field is used to record the language of the main name attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E33_E41[5_1] → P72 → E56[6_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_7_name_part Name Part This field is used to record a specific part of the name attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E33_E41[5_1] → P106 → E41[7_1] → rdfs:label → rdfs:Literal Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_8_name_part_type Name Part Type This field is used to record the type of the specific part of the name attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E33_E41[5_1] → P106 → E33_E41[7_1] → P2 → E55[8_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_9_name_part_language Name Part Language This field is used to record the language of the part of the name attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E33_E41[5_1] → P106 → E33_E41[7_1] → P72 → E56[9_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_10_alternative_name Alternative Name This field is used to record an alternative name under which the documented image is known. → P1 → E33_E41[10_1] → P190 → rdfs:Literal Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_11_alternative_name_type Alternative Name Type This field is used to record the type of the alternative name that has been attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E33_E41[10_1] → P2 → E55[11_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_12_alternative_name_language Alternative Name Language This field is used to record the language of the alternative name attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E33_E41[10_1] → P72 → E56[12_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_13_alternative_name_use_period_-_earliest Alternative Name Use Period - Earliest This field is used to record the earliest known date for use of the alternative name attributed to the documented object. → P1 → E33_E41[10_1] → R64i → F52[13_1] → P4 → E52[13_2] → P82a → xsd:dateTime Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_14_alternative_name_use_period_-_latest Alternative Name Use Period - Latest This field is used to record the latest known date for use of the alternative name attributed to the documented image. → P1 → E33_E41[10_1] → R64i → F52[13_1] → P4 → E52[13_2] → P82b → xsd:dateTime Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_15_alternative_name_-_attributed_by Alternative Name - Attributed by This field is used to record the organization or individual attributing the alternative name to the documented object. → P1 → E33_E41[10_1] → P141i → E13[15_1] → P14 → E39[15_2] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_16_alternative_name_-_source Alternative Name - Source This field is used to record the source on the basis of which the organization attributing the alternative name use based their attribution. → P1 → E33_E41[10_1] → P141i → E13[15_1] → P16 → E73[16_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_17_type Type This field is used to record the formal type of the documented object. → P2 → E55[17_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_20_type_attributor Type Attributor This field is used to record the institution, group or individual responsible for attributing the formal type to the documented image. → P41i → E17[18_1] → P42 → E55[17_1]

→ P41i → E17[18_1] → P14 → E39[20_1]
Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_20_type_attributor Type Attributor This field is used to record the institution, group or individual responsible for attributing the formal type to the documented image. → P41i → E17[18_1] → P42 → E55[17_1]

→ P41i → E17[18_1] → P14 → E39[20_1]
Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_21_type_qualifying_description Type Qualifying Description This field is used to record a description of the formal type attributed to the documented object using free text. → P41i → E17[18_1] → P42 → E55[17_1]

→ P41i → E17[18_1] → P67i → E33[21_1]
Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_201_style Style This field is used to record the style by which the documented object can be classified with or for which it is exemplary. → P2 → E55[201_1]

→ P2 → E55[201_1] → P2 → E55 "Style"[201_2]
Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_202_style_attributor Style Attributor This field is used to record the actor who attributed the style to the documented object. → P2 → E55[201_1] → P141i → E17[202_1] → P14 → E39[202_2] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure

The model provides means for tracking identifiers, present and past name use, names and well known typological attributions of the image.

Turtle Encoding
@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix frbroo: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a crm:E36_Visual_Item ;
    crm:P1_is_identified_by <>,
        <> ;
    crm:P2_has_type <>,
        <> ;
    crm:P41i_was_classified_by <> .

<> a crm:E55_Type ;
    rdfs:label "preferred terms" .

<> a crm:E39_Actor .

<> a crm:E39_Actor .

<> a crm:E39_Actor .

<> a crm:E39_Actor .

<> a crm:E73_Information_Object .

<> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object .

<> a crm:E73_Information_Object .

<> a frbroo:F52_Name_Use_Activity ;
    crm:P4_has_time-span <> .

<> a crm:E13_Attribute_Assignment ;
    crm:P14_carried_out_by <> ;
    crm:P16_used_specific_object <> .

<> a crm:E17_Type_Assignment ;
    crm:P14_carried_out_by <> ;
    crm:P42_assigned <> ;
    crm:P67i_is_referred_to_by <> .

<> a crm:E17_Type_Assignment ;
    crm:P14_carried_out_by <> .

<> a crm:E15_Identifier_Assignment ;
    crm:P14_carried_out_by <> ;
    crm:P16_used_specific_object <> .

<> a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
    frbroo:R64i_was_name_used_by <> ;
    crm:P141i_was_assigned_by <> ;
    crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "content" ;
    crm:P2_has_type <> ;
    crm:P72_has_language <> .

<> a crm:E56_Language .

<> a crm:E42_Identifier ;
    crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "content" ;
    crm:P2_has_type <> ;
    crm:P37i_was_assigned_by <> .

<> a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
    crm:P106_is_composed_of <> ;
    crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "content" ;
    crm:P2_has_type <> ;
    crm:P72_has_language <> .

<> a crm:E56_Language .

<> a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
    rdfs:label "content" ;
    crm:P2_has_type <> ;
    crm:P72_has_language <> .

<> a crm:E52_Time-Span ;
    crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin ""^^xsd:dateTime ;
    crm:P82b_end_of_the_end ""^^xsd:dateTime .

<> a crm:E55_Type .

<> a crm:E55_Type ;
    crm:P141i_was_assigned_by <> ;
    crm:P2_has_type <> .

<> a crm:E55_Type ;
    rdfs:label "Style" .

<> a crm:E55_Type .

<> a crm:E55_Type .

<> a crm:E56_Language .

<> a crm:E55_Type .


Images are the subjects of innumerable descriptions that provide a wide range of information with regards to the aesthetic and historical importance of the work, inter alia. Such descriptions are of use in a scholarly understanding of an image only if we are able to track the provenance of such elocutions in a systematic fashion. Such an aim drives the need for the tracking of description information as a separate category. The descriptors necessary to this task are documented in the table below.

identifier Name Description CRM Path used by
image_188_description Description This field is used to record a description in free text of the documented object. → P129i → E33[188_1] → P190 → rdfs:Literal Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_189_description_language Description Language This field is used to record the language of the description of the documented object. → P129i → E33[188_1] → P72 → E56[189_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_190_description_type Description Type This field is used to record the type of description given of the documented object. → P129i → E33[188_1] → P2 → E55[190_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_191_description_author Description Author This field is used to record the author of the description given of the documented object. → P129i → E33[188_1] → P94i → E65[191_1]>-P14 → E39[191_2] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_192_description_date_-_earliest Description Date - Earliest This field is used to record the earliest possible date for the creation of the description of the documented object. → P129i → E33[188_1] → P94i → E65[191_1] → P4 → E52[191_2] → P82a → xsd:dateTime Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_193_description_date_-_latest Description Date - Latest This field is used to record the latest possible date for the creation of the description of the documented object. → P129i → E33[188_1] → P94i → E65[191_1] → P4 → E52[191_2] → P82b —> xsd:dateTime Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_194_description_-_source Description - Source This field is used to record the source of the description of the documented object. → P129i → E33[188_1] → P94i → E65[191_1] → P16 → E73[194_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure

These descriptors should be deployed together in order to provide full context to ‘text blobs’ by means of authorship, type of description as well as the time of articulation.

Turtle Encoding
@prefix crm: <> .

<> a crm:E36_Visual_Item ;
    crm:P129i_is_subject_of <> .

<> a crm:E39_Actor .

<> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
    crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "content" ;
    crm:P2_has_type <> ;
    crm:P72_has_language <> ;
    crm:P94i_was_created_by <> .

<> a crm:E73_Information_Object .

<> a crm:E65_Creation ;
    crm:P14_carried_out_by <> ;
    crm:P4_has_time-span <> ;
    crm:P63_used_specific_object <> .

<> a crm:E52_Time-span ;
    crm:P81a_begin_of_the_begin "content" ;
    crm:P81b_end_of_the_end "content" .

<> a crm:E56_Language .

<> a crm:E55_Type .


Of essential importance in identifying and tracking images is information pertaining to their existence, particularly regarding their construction and destruction dates. For this reason, we have clustered descriptors relevant to such information in a common ‘existence’ category. These are described in the table below.

identifier Name Description CRM Path used by
image_242_creation_date_-_earliest Creation Date - Earliest This field is used to record the earliest possible date for the creation of the documented physical object. → P94i → E65[242_1] → P4 → E52[242_2] → P82a → xsd:dateTime Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_243_creation_date_-_latest Creation Date - Latest This field is used to record the latest possible date for the creation of the documented physical object. → P94i → E65[242_1] → P4 → E52[242_2] → P82b → xsd:dateTime Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_244_creation_location Creation Location This field is used to record the place of the creation of the documented physical object. → P94i → E65[242_1] → P7 → E53[244_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_245_creation_period Creation Period This field is used to record the historical period in which the creation of the documented physical object occurred. → P94i → E65[242_1] → P10 → E4[245_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure

Turtle Encoding
@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a crm:E36_Visual_Item ;
    crm:P94i_was_created_by <> .

<> a crm:E65_Creation ;
    crm:P10_falls_within <> ;
    crm:P4_has_time-span <> ;
    crm:P7_took_place_at <> .

<> a crm:E4_Period .

<> a crm:E53_Place .

<> a crm:E52_Time-Span ;
    crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin ""^^xsd:dateTime ;
    crm:P82b_end_of_the_end ""^^xsd:dateTime .


This information category provides the means to gather information to the representational level of an image.

identifier Name Description CRM Path used by
image_101_temporal_reference Temporal Reference This field is used to record the temporal coverage associated with the documented image. It is meant to capture the temporal area to which this item can be associated as having relevance. → P129 → E4[101_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_102_physical_geographic_reference Physical Geographic Reference This field is used to record the geographic coverage associated with the documented image. It is meant to capture the geographic area to which this item can be associated as having relevance. → P129 → E53[102_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_103_subject_reference Subject Reference This field is used to record the subject of representation of the documented image. It is meant to capture general subject areas, not particular individual items represented. → P129 → E55[103_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_246_physical_object_depicted Physical Object Depicted This field is used to indicate physical object captured in the image → P138 → E18[246_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_247_type_depicted Type Depicted This field is used to indicate type of object captured in the image → P138 → E55[247_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_248_actor_depicted Actor Depicted This field is used to indicate actors captured/represented in the image → P138 → E39[248_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure

Turtle Encoding
@prefix crm: <> .

<> a crm:E36_Visual_Item ;
    crm:P129_is_about <>,
        <> ;
    crm:P138_represents <>,
        <> .

<> a crm:E39_Actor .

<> a crm:E4_Period .

<> a crm:E18_Physical_Object .

<> a crm:E53_Place .

<> a crm:E55_Type .

<> a crm:E55_Type .


This category brings together descriptors that aid in the documentation of right holders and rights relative to an image.

identifier Name Description CRM Path used by
image_171_right_holder Right Holder This field is used to record the right holder for the documented legal object. → P104 → E30[171_1] → P105 → E39[171_2] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_172_right_type Right Type This field is used to record the type of right which the right holder holds over the documented legal object. → P104 → E30[171_1] → P2 → E55[172_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_173_right_description Right Description This field is used to record a description in free text of the right which the right holder holds over the documented legal object. → P104 → E30[171_1] → P129i → E73[173_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure

Turtle Encoding
@prefix crm: <> .

<> a crm:E36_Visual_Item ;
    crm:P104_is_subject_to <> .

<> a crm:E39_Actor .

<> a crm:E30_Right ;
    crm:P105_right_held_by <> ;
    crm:P129i_is_subject_of <> ;
    crm:P2_has_type <> .

<> a crm:E73_Information_Object .

<> a crm:E55_Type .

Item Information

The documentation of images allows the optional tracking of individual images held by institutions and where they are held, in order to aid scholars in retrieving copies of it.

identifier Name Description CRM Path used by
image_249_digital_object_carrier Digital Object Carrier This field refers to the digital carrier of the documented symbolic object. → P165i → D1[249_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure
image_250_physical_information_carrier Physical Information Carrier This field refers to the physical information carrier of the documented symbolic object. → P128i → E22[250_1] Swiss Art Research Infrastructure

Turtle Encoding
@prefix crm: <> .
@prefix crmdig: <> .

<> a crm:E36_Visual_Item ;
    crm:P128i_is_carried_by <> ;
    crm:P165i_is_incorporated_by <> .

<> a crmdig:D1_Digital_Object .

<> a crm:E22_Human_Made_Object .

Last update: December 16, 2020